If something has gone wrong with your order, you can advise us of this. We will do all possible to rectify it smoothly and promptly.

Please follow the steps below when reporting a complaint:

Submit the complaint in writing: By email to [email protected]. Remember to state the relevant order number.

Any defect must be proven. Please note that 5% of the quantity may be spoilage. That’s why we need proof showing more of the delivery. This of course only applies to visible defects. It does not cover underdeliveries or elapsed delivery deadlines.

Let us know how many of the items are affected.

We reserve the right to request some samples by post or to collect the goods for inspection.

Tell us how you would prefer the matter to be resolved.

The complaint is assessed promptly by our staff. We will get back to you by email as soon as possible, using the contact address stored in your customer profile.